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Late News:  Sport Riding Clinics....Susan Galpin hosts clinics that will make you a better rider.  Ride Better and have fun.   To learn more contact us and we'll forward on the information!

North Georgia, South of I-64 in Tennessee, courtesy of Susan Galpin

Overview Picture To Show The Area.  Road maps in more detail clearly showing all roads can be found by Scrolling Down.   They show routes and loops so some roads are just connectors back to major towns like Hiawasee. 

Folks, print off the maps for your enjoyment and don't copy them for use elsewhere.  You are running ALL of Rt 60 and ALL of Rt 180.  There are hidden connectors and we show those within the detail maps.

West To East by scrolling down

The roads shown below going through the Chattahoochee are shown in more detail as your scroll down. 

Look at where Rt 76 hits Rt 60.  Asaka Road and Dial Road are the cuts to make the southern loop.  Detail Below.

Continuing East and staying North [sits on top of the next map]

Going basically straight south of the above area to Dahlonega and the loops back north